Amacrine cells are tiny and important cells in our eyes that help us see things clearly. They work as messengers and help transfer messages from the cells that detect light (called photoreceptor cells) to the cells that send messages to our brain (called ganglion cells).
Think of it like passing a note in class. The photoreceptor cells write a message on a piece of paper, which gets passed to the amacrine cells. The amacrine cells read the message and then pass it on to the ganglion cells, who will take it to our brain to be deciphered and understood.
Now, what makes amacrine cells even more special is that they help us see things in low light conditions. When it's dark, our eyes can't see things as clearly because there isn't enough light to activate our photoreceptor cells. But, amacrine cells are able to "talk" to other cells in our eyes and help us see things even in these dark conditions.
So, in summary, amacrine cells are tiny cells in our eyes that play a big role in helping us see things clearly and even in the dark. They act as messengers and help transfer messages from one group of cells to another so that our brain can interpret what we are seeing.