ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ambush defence

Ok, so imagine you're playing hide-and-seek with your friends. You know they could be hiding anywhere, so you're being very careful and looking all around you. That's just like what ambush defense is, but instead of playing a game, it's about being safe.

Sometimes bad guys might try to surprise and attack someone who isn't ready. That's an ambush. So, people need to be ready in case something like that happens. Ambush defense means being prepared to protect yourself from an attack you didn't expect.

Just like in hide-and-seek, you need to be looking all around you and paying attention to everything. Ambush defense means being aware of your surroundings and using things like cover (like hiding behind a tree or a wall) to protect yourself. It's important to also have a plan in case an attack happens. That could mean calling for help or having a way to escape.

Overall, ambush defense is just being ready for anything and having a plan to protect yourself in case something unexpected happens.