ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Amelioration pattern

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes there are things that are not so great, like when you have a cold and you don't feel well? That's called a problem.

Now, sometimes people try to make these problems better, and that's where amelioration comes in. It means trying to improve or fix something that's not working well.

An amelioration pattern is just a fancy way of saying that there is a way to make things better that has been tried and tested. Like how when you have a cold, your mom might give you cough syrup or chicken noodle soup to help you feel better. That's an amelioration pattern!

So basically, an amelioration pattern is a way to make things better that has been proven to work. It's like a recipe for how to make things better, just like how you have a recipe for making cookies or pancakes. And people use these patterns to solve problems or improve things all the time!