ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Airlines Flight 587

Okay kiddo, let me explain what happened with American Airlines Flight 587.

You know how when you run really fast and suddenly stop, it feels like you're being pushed forward for a second? That's sort of what happened to the airplane. It was flying from New York to the Dominican Republic, and the pilot made a small move with the rudder to help it change direction. But that move was too big and sudden, so the plane started shaking a lot.

Then, the tail - the back part of the airplane - broke off. This made the plane spin out of control and eventually crash onto some houses. Sadly, many people on board the plane and on the ground died because of the accident.

After the accident, people investigated what went wrong. They found out there was a problem with the way the rudder was designed on that type of plane. The pilots didn't know this, and they were trained to use the rudder in a way that made the plane more likely to have problems. The airline, American Airlines, changed the way they train their pilots after this happened, to try and make sure something like this doesn't happen again.

It was a very sad day for a lot of families, but we learned some things from it that will help keep us safer in the future.