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American Association of School Librarians

The American Association of School Librarians, also known as AASL, is a group of people who really like books and want to help kids learn. They focus on the libraries in schools and making them the best they can be.

School libraries are special rooms in schools where you can go to read books, do research for school projects, and find information. They have cool librarians who know a lot about books and can help you find the perfect one to read.

But the AASL wants to do more than just have a library with lots of books. They want to make sure that all students have access to a good library and can learn important skills there. So they have lots of rules and guidelines to help schools make their libraries even better.

One thing the AASL helps with is making sure that school libraries have good books that kids want to read. They recommend certain books and create lists called "best of" lists that tell you which books are really, really good. That way, you know you're picking a book that will be awesome.

They also help make sure that the librarians in school libraries are well-trained and know how to help students find what they need. The AASL sets high standards for librarians and helps them learn new things so they can be even better at their job.

The AASL also wants to make sure that school libraries have the latest technology. They think it's important for students to learn how to use computers and the internet to find information. So they help schools get funding to buy technology and teach librarians how to use it.

Another thing the AASL does is help plan special events to celebrate libraries and the joy of reading. They have a big conference every year where librarians from all over the country come together to learn new ideas and share what they've been doing.

In addition to all this, the AASL talks to government officials and policymakers about why school libraries are important. They want people to understand that having a good library in a school can make a big difference in a student's education and love for learning.

So overall, the American Association of School Librarians is a group that really cares about school libraries and wants to make them the best they can be. They work with librarians, schools, and government officials to make sure that every student has access to a great library and all the wonderful books and knowledge it holds.