ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Birding Association

The American Birding Association (ABA) is like a special club for people who really love birds! They help bird watchers all over North America to learn more about the different types of birds around them, and how to take care of them.

Think about it like this: imagine you really love dinosaurs. You want to learn everything about them, and maybe even go on a dinosaur hunt to find fossils! Well, bird watching is kind of like that, but instead of dinosaurs, we're looking for birds.

The ABA makes it easy for people who love birds to connect with each other and learn together. They also have rules and guidelines for bird watchers to follow, like being respectful to the environment and not disturbing the birds.

And just like when you're in a club, the ABA has special events and activities for its members. They have fun workshops and exciting birding trips where members can explore and learn new things about different kinds of birds.

So, in short, the American Birding Association is a big group of people who love to watch and learn about birds, and they help make the experience even more fun and educational!