ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Board of Physician Specialties

Okay kiddo, so the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS) is like a club for doctors who are really good at a specific kind of medicine. Each doctor has to prove that they are experts in their area by passing exams and doing other things to show they know what they're talking about.

Once a doctor passes all the tests and gets approved by the ABPS, they are officially certified and can put special letters behind their name to show off their knowledge. It's kind of like earning a special badge or trophy for being really good at something you love to do.

People who need medical care can look for those letters and know that they are seeing a doctor who is extra skilled and knowledgeable in their specific area of medicine. It's like finding a superhero doctor who is an expert in fighting specific kinds of illnesses or health problems.