ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Boychoir School

Okay buddy, the American Boychoir School is a school where boys who love singing can go to learn and perform together. It's kind of like a big club where you get to sing with your friends all the time!

The school is a very special place because the boys who go there are really good at singing, and they get to practice a lot to get even better. They also get to travel around the world to perform in different countries and meet lots of new people.

But going to the American Boychoir School is not just about singing all day. The boys also get a regular education, like learning math, science, and reading, just like in normal schools. They have teachers who help them with homework and study for tests, just like your teachers do.

The school is in New Jersey, which is a state in the United States. And boys from all over the country and even other parts of the world can go there to learn and sing.

So, in short, the American Boychoir School is a place where boys who love to sing can go to learn and perform with their friends while also getting a regular education.