The American Independent Business Alliance, or AMIBA, is a club for grown-ups who work at small businesses, like local stores or mom-and-pop shops. They got together so they could help each other out and make it easier for people to find and support local businesses.
You know how your mommy and daddy like to go to the big store with lots of stuff? Sometimes, if they go to a small store, they can find special things that they can't find at the big store. But these small stores need help competing with the big stores, so that's what AMIBA tries to do.
They make sure that people know about the small local businesses and all the cool things they have to offer. They also help the small businesses work together to be stronger, like how your friends might help you carry something heavy.
So, AMIBA is like a club for grown-ups who work at small stores to help each other and make sure that people know how special local businesses are.