ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Legislative Exchange Council

Do you know what a club is? It's like a group where people with similar interests get together and talk about things. Imagine there's a big club that has lots of politicians who want to make new laws for our country. This club is called the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC for short.

So, ALEC is a club for politicians who want to make laws. They meet up and talk about what new laws they want to make. Some people like ALEC because they say it helps get lots of different opinions and ideas together to make better laws.

But some people don't like ALEC because they say it mostly helps big companies who want to make laws that would help them make more money. These people say that the politicians in the club might be too influenced by the companies and not listen enough to what regular people actually want.

Overall, ALEC is a group of politicians who come together to talk about making new laws, but some people have concerns about the influence of big companies on the group's ideas.