ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Meteor Society

Hello kiddo! Do you know what the American Meteor Society is? Well, it's like a group of people who are really interested in meteors. They want to learn more about them and help other people learn about them too!

Meteors are pieces of rock or dust that burn up in Earth's atmosphere as they fall from space. They make really bright streaks across the sky that we call shooting stars. Sometimes they even explode and create a big boom sound! The American Meteor Society wants to study these meteors and learn more about them.

They have a big network of people all across America who watch the sky for meteors and report what they see to the society. This helps the society keep track of where meteors are falling and when. It also helps them learn more about what kind of meteors are falling.

The society also helps people learn more about meteors by providing lots of information on their website. They have articles, videos, pictures, and even a map that shows where meteors have been spotted. They also help people learn how to watch the sky for meteors and how to report what they see.

In short kiddo, the American Meteor Society is a group of people who love studying meteors and want to share that love with others. They have a network of people who report meteor sightings and lots of information on their website to help people learn more about these amazing space rocks!