ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Tort Reform Association

The American Tort Reform Association is a group of grown-ups who want to make some changes to the way people can sue each other. They think that there are too many lawsuits happening and that it's not fair for people and businesses to have to pay a lot of money for something they didn't really do wrong.

Let's imagine two kids, Billy and Sally. Billy accidentally knocks over Sally's bike while they are playing. Sally gets a little hurt and her bike is broken. Sally's parents might want to sue Billy's parents for the cost of the bike and any medical bills.

The American Tort Reform Association thinks that this is not fair because Billy didn't really mean to do anything wrong. They want to make some rules that will make it harder for Sally's parents to sue Billy's parents.

They think that people should only be able to sue for real damages that they can prove, like medical bills or the cost of a broken bike. They also want to make it harder for lawyers to get really big fees from suing people.

Some people agree with the American Tort Reform Association and think that there are too many lawsuits happening. Other people don't agree and think that it's important to be able to sue if you feel like someone has hurt you or done something wrong. It's still a big debate!