ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American Well

Okay kiddo, so American Well is kind of like a special computer doctor that you can visit from your house! Just like some doctors work in a hospital or office, American Well doctors work on a special computer system.

When you need to see the doctor, you can connect with them through your computer, phone, or tablet. They'll be able to hear you and see you, just like you were in the same room together! This is called a video visit.

You might have to visit the computer doctor for something like a cough or a sore throat. They'll ask you some questions and might even have you show them where you're feeling sick on your body. Then they'll give you advice on how to get better.

Sometimes, the computer doctor might even be able to give you medicine or send a prescription to the pharmacy for you!

The computer doctor is a really neat way to see the doctor without having to leave your house. It's great for when you're feeling too sick to go to the doctor's office, or if your family is really busy and can't take you to the doctor right away. With American Well, you can get the care you need, right from your own living room!