ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

American literary nationalism

Okay, so have you ever heard of books and stories written by people who live in America? Well, a long time ago, some of those writers started thinking that it was important to write stories that showed how great America was. They wanted to make people feel proud of their country and its history.

They called this idea "American literary nationalism". It means that they wanted American writers to write about American people and American places in a way that would make everyone feel really proud of being from America.

They thought that by writing about America, they could create a sense of unity and pride among the people who lived there. They believed that there was something special about America, and they wanted to celebrate that in their writing.

So, they started writing books and stories that were set in America and featured American characters. They wrote about things like the American Revolution, famous American historical figures, and the beauty of American landscapes.

These writers were really passionate about their idea of American literary nationalism, and their writing helped to shape American culture and identity. Today, we still see this idea of celebrating America and its culture in our literature and media.