Amidines are chemicals that have a very specific structure. They have a nitrogen atom in the middle, with two other atoms or groups of atoms attached to it. Think of the nitrogen atom like the center of a bicycle wheel, and the other atoms or groups of atoms as the spokes.
These chemicals are very interesting because they can do different things depending on what other atoms or groups of atoms are attached to them. For example, some amidines can be used as medicines to treat diseases like high blood pressure or epilepsy. Others can be used in the chemical industry to make other chemicals.
One thing that makes amidines special is that they are very basic. This means that they really like to react with acids. Imagine that you have a toy car, and you want it to drive over a ramp. The ramp is like an acid, and the car is like an amidine. When the car drives over the ramp, it jumps into the air, just like an amidine reacts with an acid to form a new chemical.
Overall, amidines are important chemicals that have lots of different uses. They have a unique structure that makes them very reactive, and they can be used to make medicines and other useful chemicals.