ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump

Okay kiddo, let me explain it to you. An experiment is when someone tries to figure something out by doing some tests. And in this experiment, they wanted to see what happens to a bird when it is put in an air pump.

An air pump is a machine that takes in air from the outside and pumps it into a container. The container in this case is like a big glass jar. When the air goes into the jar, it starts to push the air that's already in there, making the jar filled with more and more air.

Now, when they put the bird in the jar and pumped air in, what do you think happened? The bird was able to breathe easily at first, but as more air got pumped in, it started to get harder for the bird to breathe. Eventually, there was so much air that the bird couldn't breathe at all and became unconscious.

But the scientists weren't done yet. They wanted to see what would happen if they took the bird out of the jar and let it breathe again. So, they took the bird out and waited for it to wake up. And when it did wake up, something strange happened. The bird was actually able to survive being in the air pump!

This experiment might seem strange and not very nice to the bird, but it taught us something important about air pressure. We learned that as air pressure increases, it becomes harder to breathe. And even though the bird was able to survive, it's always best to be kind to animals and not use them in experiments like this.