ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anabelian geometry

Anabelian geometry is a really complicated way of studying shapes and spaces that are different from each other. It's like trying to figure out a puzzle where all the pieces look the same, but they fit together differently.

So, imagine you have a jigsaw puzzle with a bunch of identical pieces. If you put them together in one way, you get one picture, but if you rearrange them in a different way, you get a completely different picture. Anabelian geometry is all about figuring out how these different pictures are related to each other.

To do this, mathematicians use something called the Galois group, which is like a secret code that tells you how the pieces fit together. By studying this code, they can figure out how different shapes and spaces are related to each other, even if they look completely different on the surface.

So, imagine you have two shapes that look different, but they have the same code. This means they are actually the same shape, just arranged differently. Anabelian geometry helps mathematicians figure out these relationships and understand how all shapes and spaces are connected.