ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anal eroticism

Oh, hi there! So, do you know what your bum, or your bottom, is for? It's where your poop comes out! But did you know that some grown-ups find it enjoyable to touch or have things put into their bum for pleasure? This is called anal eroticism or anal play.

Now, it's important to know that not everyone likes anal play or wants to do it. And if you ever hear someone talking about it or suggesting it, you should always make sure it's something you want and feel comfortable doing. You can always say no if you don't want to try it.

For those who do enjoy it, they might use special toys or fingers to gently touch or massage the area around their bum. Some people might even like having something inserted into their anus, like a finger or a toy, for extra stimulation. Like any kind of sex play, it's important to communicate with your partner, use plenty of lubrication, and go slowly to make sure it's enjoyable and not uncomfortable or painful.

Remember, not everyone likes anal play, and that's okay! It's important to only do what feels good and safe for you. And if you ever have questions or concerns about your body or any kind of sexual activity, you can always talk to a trusted adult or a doctor for more information.