ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anaphora (rhetoric)

So, have you ever heard someone repeat the same word or phrase at the beginning of sentences or clauses? That's called anaphora!

It's like when you say, "I want a pony. I want a puppy. I want a rabbit." The words "I want" are repeated at the beginning of each sentence, and that's anaphora.

People use anaphora a lot when they want to sound really powerful and persuasive. It helps to emphasize a point and make it stand out.

Think about Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech. He repeated the phrase "I have a dream" several times, right? That's anaphora. It helped to make his dream for equality and peace feel even stronger and more important.

So, that's basically what anaphora is - just repeating words or phrases at the beginning of sentences to help make a point. It's a really cool trick that people can use to make their writing or speaking sound more impactful!
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