ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anastasia of Serbia

Okay, so imagine there was a princess named Anastasia. She lived a very long time ago in a place called Serbia. People knew her as a very smart and kind princess who tried to help her people.

But one day, something really sad happened. There was a big war and Anastasia's family was forced to leave their home. Anastasia had to leave all her toys and friends behind and go to a new place with her family.

People got really worried because they didn't know if Anastasia and her family were safe. They looked for them everywhere but they couldn't find them. Some people even thought that Anastasia might not be alive anymore.

But then, many years later, some people found a woman who said that she was Anastasia. She looked a lot like the princess and knew a lot of things only Anastasia would know. But other people didn't believe her and thought she was just pretending to be the princess.

It's still a big mystery whether or not the woman who claimed to be Anastasia was really her or not. But either way, the story of Anastasia of Serbia is a very interesting one that many people still talk about today.