ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ancel Keys

Okay kiddo, do you know what a scientist is? Well, a long time ago, there was a scientist named Ancel Keys. He was very interested in studying how people's bodies use food for energy.

Ancel Keys was curious about why some people in different countries were healthier than others. He noticed that some people in countries like Italy and Greece had a diet that had a lot of healthy fats from fish and olive oil, and they seemed to be healthier than people in countries like the United States that had a lot of processed foods and unhealthy fats.

So Ancel Keys decided to do a special study to see if he could find out more about what foods were good for people's bodies. He wanted to know what foods could help people live longer lives and be healthier.

He gathered a bunch of people from all around the world, some from countries with healthy diets and some from countries with not-so-healthy diets. He then studied what they ate and how it affected their health.

He found that the people who ate lots of healthy fats from fish and vegetables were healthier and lived longer. He also found that people who ate a lot of processed foods and unhealthy fats were not as healthy and didn’t live as long.

This helped people understand more about healthy eating, and it's still important to eat healthy fats today. Ancel Keys did a very important study that helped us know how to take care of our bodies better.