ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ancient Egypt

Okay kiddo, today we are going to learn about Ancient Egypt!

Long, long time ago, before mommy and daddy were even born, there was a special place called Egypt. It was a land of big, sandy deserts and a big, snaky river called the Nile.

The people who lived in Ancient Egypt were called Egyptians. They were a very smart group of people and they built many fascinating things.

One of the biggest things that they built were pyramids. A pyramid is a big, pointy building made out of heavy stones. The Egyptians built these pyramids to remember their kings and queens. They believed that when someone important like a king or queen died, they would go to live in another place called the afterlife. So the pyramids were like their special homes in the afterlife.

The Egyptians also built temples to honor their many gods and goddesses. They believed that there were many gods and goddesses who controlled everything on earth, from the sun and the moon to the animals and the weather.

One of the most important things the Ancient Egyptians did was invent a system of writing called hieroglyphics. They used pictures and symbols to write words and sentences. It was like a big puzzle that only the smartest people could figure out.

The Ancient Egyptians believed in mummification too. When important people died, they would wrap them up in special cloths and put them in a coffin. This kept their bodies preserved so that they could be with their families in the afterlife.

Finally, something that the Ancient Egyptians loved to do was to make art. They painted pictures and carved sculptures of all kinds of things, from animals to kings and queens.

So, that’s a little bit about Ancient Egypt. Pretty cool, huh?