ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ancient Greek funeral and burial practices

Back in ancient Greece, when someone died, they had special ways of saying goodbye to them. The first thing that happened was the body of the person who died was taken away and washed very carefully. They would also put sweet-smelling oils and flowers on the body to make it smell nice.

After the body was all cleaned up, the family would have a big feast with all their friends to remember the person who had died. They would talk about all the good things they had done in their life and how much they meant to everyone.

Then it was time for the funeral. The body was wrapped up in a big piece of cloth and put on a special cart called a bier. The family and friends would then walk behind the cart and the body to the grave site. They would also have a big procession where they would chant and sing songs to honor the person who had died.

When they got to the grave site, they would put the body in the ground and put dirt and rocks on top to make sure it stayed there. They also liked to put special things in the grave with the person, like coins or even small statues. They believed that these things would help the person in the next life.

After the burial, the family would go home wearing black clothes and not smile or have any fun for many days. This was called mourning, and it was a time when the family could remember the person who had died and feel sad.

Overall, ancient Greek funeral and burial practices were a way for people to say goodbye to their loved ones and remember them in a special way.