ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ancient Macedonian army

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the ancient Macedonian army!

The ancient Macedonian army was made up of soldiers who lived a long time ago in a place called Macedonia, which is now part of Greece. These soldiers were really good at fighting, and they had lots of different ways to do it.

One thing that made the Macedonian army really special was their use of a weapon called a sarissa. It was a really long spear that was about 18 feet tall! The soldiers would stand in a line, and the person in front would hold their sarissa out, so it was really hard for an enemy to get close to them.

The Macedonian army also had another group of soldiers called the Companion Cavalry. These were people who rode horses and were really good at charging into the enemy's army. They were led by the king of Macedonia, who was called Alexander the Great.

Finally, the Macedonian army had soldiers who were called hypaspists. These were people who were really good at defending themselves with a shield and a sword. They would protect the people in the back who were holding the sarissas, so everyone was safe from the enemy.

So, in summary, the ancient Macedonian army was a group of really good fighters who used long spears, horses, shields and swords to protect themselves and defeat their enemies.
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