ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ancient Northeast Asian

Well kiddo, Ancient Northeast Asia is all about the people who lived in that part of the world a really long time ago, even before you were born! This area includes places like Mongolia, Siberia, and parts of China and Korea.

A long time ago, people in Ancient Northeast Asia were known for being really good at adapting to their environment. Some of them were nomads, which means they didn't settle down in one place, and instead moved around to find food and shelter. Others were farmers who grew crops and raised animals.

One of the most famous groups of people from Ancient Northeast Asia were the Mongols. They were known for being fierce warriors and skilled horse riders. In fact, they were so good with horses that they were able to take over a huge part of the world, including China and parts of Europe!

Another group of people from Ancient Northeast Asia were the Jomon people. They lived in Japan a very long time ago, almost 10,000 years ago! They were known for making really beautiful pottery and for being some of the first people in the world to use fishing nets.

Overall, Ancient Northeast Asia was home to many different groups of people who had unique cultures and ways of life. Even though they lived a long time ago, we can still learn a lot from them today!