An ancilla bit is like a helper bit that helps the other bits in a computer or machine do their job better. Imagine you are building a tower out of blocks, and you have a friend helping you. Your friend can hold the blocks for you, so you can easily place them where you need them. The ancilla bit does a similar job in a computer, by holding information that the other bits need to do their job.
In a computer, there are machines called quantum computers that can use a special kind of bit called a qubit. These qubits can store more than just 0 or 1, like a regular bit. But, they can also be very fragile and easily disturbed. That's where the ancilla bit comes in!
The ancilla bit helps keep the qubits from getting too disturbed while they are working. It can also help count how many times a certain operation has been done, which is important in some calculations. Just like your friend can help you count and keep track of how many blocks you've used.
Overall, the ancilla bit is a useful helper bit that makes sure the other bits in a computer or machine work as best as they can.