ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Andean Geology

Andean geology is about the rocks and landforms that make up the Andes Mountains, which are a long chain of mountains in South America. The Andes were formed millions of years ago when two of the Earth's plates - the Nazca plate and the South American plate - crashed into each other. As they smashed together, they formed a big mountain range - the Andes!
The Andean rocks are very different from the rocks that make up other mountains, because they were formed by the two plates grinding against each other. This process called plate tectonics created unique geology that you can only find in the Andes. This includes giants mountains, deep canyons, and large volcanoes.
You can also find some interesting minerals and plants in the rocks and earth of the Andes Mountains. The minerals in the rocks are different from other places in the world, and are used to make jewelry, cosmetics and other items. And the plants have adapted over time to the environment in the Andes, which has made them very different from the plants you would find in other parts of the world.
So that's Andean geology! The rocks and landforms in the Andes Mountains are special because of their unique formation and properties, and they have allowed allow people to find interesting minerals as well as plants that you wouldn't find anywhere else.