ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

André Lichnerowicz

André Lichnerowicz was a very smart man who loved to study mathematics and physics. He was born a long time ago in France, and when he was a young boy, he loved to read books about science and how the world works.

As he got older, André studied really hard in school and eventually became a professor at a university, where he taught lots of students about math and physics. He wrote many books and papers about his research and ideas, and lots of other smart people learned from him too.

André was really interested in something called "general relativity," which is a really complicated theory created by a famous scientist named Albert Einstein. General relativity is all about how space and time are related, and how huge objects like planets and stars can affect the way things move around them.

André studied general relativity really closely and came up with lots of new ideas and discoveries. He even helped come up with a way to describe the equations of general relativity in a way that was easier for other scientists to understand.

So, in short, André Lichnerowicz was a really smart man who studied math and physics and contributed a lot to the field of general relativity.