ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Andrew Strominger

Hey there kiddo! Let me explain to you who Andrew Strominger is like you're five years old.

Andrew Strominger is a really smart man who knows a lot about something called physics. Physics is like how things move and how they work together.

Andrew likes to study black holes, which are really big and scary things in space. Black holes are so strong that they can even trap light! Can you imagine something so strong that it can even hold onto light?

Andrew and some of his friends have made some really cool ideas about black holes. They think that when things get sucked into a black hole, the black hole might keep some information about it. Have you ever taken a picture with your camera or phone? That picture is information! Well, black holes might hold onto information too.

Andrew is also really good at teaching others about physics. He helps make it easier for other people to understand. That's really important because we can all learn about how the world works around us.

So, that's Andrew Strominger. He's a smart man who studies physics, loves black holes, and helps others learn about it too.