ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anglo-Saxon metrical charms

Okay kiddo, I'll explain it to you like you're five! Anglo-Saxon metrical charms are poems that were written a long time ago by a group of people called the Anglo-Saxons. These poems were meant to be spoken or sung, and they were thought to have special powers to protect people or heal them from sickness.

You see, back then, people believed that everything around them had its own special power. Even plants and animals were thought to have magical properties that could help or harm people. So, they would use these metrical charms to invoke the power of nature and protect themselves from things like sickness, bad luck, or even enemies.

These poems were written in a special way called meter, which means that they had a specific rhythm and pattern. This made them easy to remember and recite so that people could use them whenever they needed to. The charms were often recited by a person with special knowledge, called a charm-speaker, who was believed to have the ability to connect with the supernatural world.

Some of these metrical charms were for healing, like a special one for a toothache. Others were for protection, like one to ward off evil spirits. Some were even used for everyday things like brewing beer or making butter!

In summary, Anglo-Saxon metrical charms were special poems that the Anglo-Saxon people used to connect with the power of nature and protect themselves from harm or sickness. They were written in a special way, with a specific rhythm and pattern, and were believed to have magical powers.