ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anglo-Scottish border

Okay kiddo, so you know that there are different countries in the world, right? Like how we live in the United States but there's also Mexico and Canada.

Well, a long time ago, there were two countries called England and Scotland. They were next to each other but they didn't always get along. So they made a line on the ground that separated them. They called this line the Anglo-Scottish border.

It's kind of like how we draw a line down the middle of our room when we share it with our brother or sister. We each have our own side and we try not to cross the line too much.

But even though there's a border, people on both sides of it are still pretty similar. They eat similar foods and speak a similar language, but they might have some different traditions and ways of doing things.

Today, the border between England and Scotland is still there, but it's not as strict as it used to be. People can cross it pretty easily and there's not as much fighting between the two countries anymore.