ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Anomiidae is a fancy word that scientists use to describe a group of animals that have shells and stick themselves onto rocks or other hard things in the ocean. They kind of look like clams, but they don't have a big top shell and a little bottom shell like regular clams do. Instead, they have two flat shells that are the same size and shape.

Anomiidae are really cool because they can go into a special mode where they stick really tight to their rock and don't move at all. This helps protect them from waves and predators. When they're ready to move around again, they can loosen up and go explore the ocean floor.

Some people like to collect Anomiidae shells because they're so pretty and unique-looking. But it's important to remember to treat them with care and not take too many from the ocean, because we want to keep these cool animals safe and happy in their homes.