ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anonymous named pipe

An anonymous named pipe is like a secret tube that two programs can use to talk to each other without anyone else listening in. It's called "anonymous" because it doesn't have a real name like "Bob" or "Sally". Instead, it's like a secret handshake that only the two programs know.

Think of it like this: imagine you are sitting on one end of a long, narrow tube and your friend is sitting on the other end. You can talk to each other by whispering into the tube, and your friend can hear you even though you're far away. This is kind of like an anonymous named pipe.

In the computer world, a program can create an anonymous named pipe and send information through it to another program. This is useful because it allows programs to communicate with each other without having to write a bunch of extra code. It's like two people who speak different languages using a translator to communicate.

An anonymous named pipe is different from a regular pipe because it doesn't have a real name. Instead, it's just a temporary connection between two programs. Once the programs are done talking, the pipe goes away.

So, to sum it up, an anonymous named pipe is a secret tube that two programs can use to talk to each other without anyone else listening in. It's like a secret handshake that only the two programs know, and it's a useful tool for programs that need to communicate with each other.
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