ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Antarctic krill

Antarctic krill are teeny, tiny creatures that live in the ocean near the South Pole. They have little bodies that look like shrimp and they are a very important food source for lots of other animals, like penguins, whales, and seals.

Krill eat tiny plants called phytoplankton, which they filter out of the water using their special mouthparts. They also use their legs to paddle around in the water so they don't get carried away by the currents.

Krill are very important for many reasons. They help keep the food chain in balance by providing food for lots of other animals, including humans. They also help keep the ocean clean by eating up excess phytoplankton, which can cause algae blooms if there is too much.

Scientists are studying krill to learn more about how they live and how they are affected by climate change. They are also trying to find ways to protect krill from overfishing and other threats, so that they can continue to play their important role in the ecosystem long into the future.