ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-Asian racism in the United States

People from different parts of the world come to live in the United States. One of these groups are people who are from Asia. People from Asia can look different than other people because of their features like their eyes or the color of their skin. Sometimes, some people in the United States are mean to Asian people because of how they look. This is called racism.

Racism is when someone is treated differently because of their skin color, where they are from, or the way they look. Asian people sometimes experience racism because some others think they are not the same as them. This can happen in different ways, like when someone calls an Asian person a mean name or makes fun of how they speak. This is not okay and it hurts the feelings of Asian people.

Recently, there has been a lot of news about a type of racism called anti-Asian racism. This is when people treat Asian people badly just because they are from Asia. Some people in the United States have been blaming Asian people for things like the coronavirus, even though everyone can get sick. This is not fair because it is not the fault of the Asian people that the virus exists.

Anti-Asian racism is not okay. Everyone should be treated the same, no matter what they look like or where they are from. It is important to be kind to other people and to stand up for what is right. If you see someone being mean to an Asian person, you can tell them that it is wrong and help them feel better. We should all work together to make sure that everyone feels safe, happy, and respected in the United States.