ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Anti-Injunction Act

Alright kiddo, so the anti-injunction act is kind of like a rule that says you can't sue the government to stop them from doing something until after they've already done it.

Let's say your teacher is going to give you a test next week and you really don't want to take it because you're nervous. The anti-injunction act would say that you can't go to the principal and try to make them cancel the test before it even happens. You have to wait until after you take the test and then, if you think something was unfair or wrong, you can talk to the principal about it.

The same thing goes for when people want to sue the government. If they think the government is doing something they shouldn't be doing, they have to wait until after that thing has already happened before they can try to sue and make them stop.

It may seem a little strange, but it's meant to help the government do their job without being constantly interrupted by people trying to sue them. Does that make sense, kiddo?