ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of something called the Katyn Massacre? No? It's okay, let me explain.

A long time ago in 1940, during a war between two countries called Germany and Russia, a really bad thing happened. A lot of Polish people who were soldiers, doctors, teachers, and other important people were captured by the Russians because Poland was on their side. They were taken to a place called Katyn and... well, they were killed. This was a very bad thing and a lot of people were very sad about it.

Now, fast forward many years later to when people are still talking about what happened at Katyn. Some people want to make sure that everyone knows what happened and that it was wrong. They want people to really understand the importance of remembering what happened so that it doesn't happen again. This is called being "anti-Katyn." It means that they don't like what happened at Katyn and they want everyone to know about it so it never happens again.

So, being "anti-Katyn" means you don't like what happened there, and you want to make sure everyone knows about it so that it doesn't happen again. Does that make sense?