ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Antisemitism in 21st century Germany

Antisemitism means not liking Jewish people just because they are Jewish.

In Germany, a long time ago, there was a leader named Hitler who did not like Jewish people at all. He told others that Jewish people were bad and different and needed to be treated badly. During this time, many Jewish people were hurt and many even died because of how they were treated.

Nowadays, people in Germany don't believe in what Hitler said anymore and think it is wrong to hate Jewish people just because of their religion. However, some people still feel that way even though it's not okay.

Sometimes people say or do mean things to Jewish people, just because of who they are. This is called antisemitism. It's like being mean to someone because of the color of their hair or the way they talk. It's not right.

But there are groups of people who want to stop antisemitism in Germany. They want everyone to be treated fairly and with kindness, no matter who they are or what they believe in.