ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


The Anunnaki are beings from ancient Mesopotamian mythology that were said to be very powerful and intelligent. They were often depicted as having human-like bodies with the heads of animals like lions or eagles. According to the stories, the Anunnaki were the creators of humans and were worshipped as gods by the people of that time.

Some people believe that the Anunnaki were real beings who visited Earth thousands of years ago and played a role in human history. They supposedly came to our planet looking for gold, which they needed to repair their own planet's atmosphere. To get the gold they needed, they supposedly created humans to be their slave labor force.

There are many theories and stories about the Anunnaki, and while there is no concrete proof that they actually existed, their legend has persisted throughout history as a fascinating part of ancient mythology. Some people believe that their influence can still be seen in modern-day conspiracy theories about secret societies and extraterrestrial beings.