ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aostan French

Aostan French is a way of speaking French that is unique to a region in Italy called the Aosta Valley. Imagine if you and your friends spoke English but you lived in a place where everyone else spoke Spanish. You might start using some Spanish words in your English, and your friends might start doing the same. This is kind of like what happened with Aostan French. The people there were surrounded by Italian speakers, but they wanted to keep speaking French, so they mixed their French with some Italian words and grammar. This makes Aostan French a little different from the French you might hear in France or Canada, but it's still very similar. People who speak Aostan French can still understand and communicate with speakers of other kinds of French. So basically, Aostan French is just a special kind of French spoken in a special part of Italy where people mix in some Italian words and grammar.