ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so do you remember when you played "telephone" with your friends? One person started by whispering a message into another person's ear, and then that person whispered it to the next person, and so on until it got to the last person. Sometimes, the message would get all mixed up and end up being something totally different from what the first person said.

Well, back in ancient times, when people wanted to send messages to other countries, they didn't have telephones or computers like we do now. Instead, they had special people called apocrisiaries. An apocrisiary was someone who was chosen to deliver important messages from one country to another. They were kind of like messengers or diplomats.

But being an apocrisiary was not just about delivering messages. These special people also had to be really good at understanding different languages and cultures. They had to be able to speak and write in different languages, as well as understand the customs and traditions of the countries they were visiting.

So whenever a ruler or leader wanted to send a message to another country, they would choose an apocrisiary to deliver it. The apocrisiary would then travel by foot, horse, boat, or even camel across long distances to deliver the message.

It wasn't always easy being an apocrisiary. They would often have to face dangerous situations like robbers, bad weather, or even war. But it was their job to make sure that the message was delivered safely and accurately. And that's why they were so important in ancient times.