ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Apollo 18 (film)

Apollo 18 is a movie about a pretend mission to the moon by NASA. In the movie, a few American astronauts travel to the moon to explore and collect samples. While they are there, they uncover some creepy and strange things happening on the lunar surface, like rocks moving on their own and aliens attacking their spaceship.

To understand the movie, you need to know what a real "Apollo" mission is. Apollo was a series of missions that sent American astronauts to the moon in the 1960s and 1970s. These missions were really important because they helped us learn a lot about the moon, and they also showed that people could fly to the moon and come back safely.

In the movie, the astronauts are sent on a secret, pretend mission to the moon. They have to keep everything they see and do on the moon a secret, even from people back on Earth. That's because the mission is supposed to be a secret experiment to see how the astronauts handle being isolated and confined to a small space for a long time.

But when they get to the moon, everything starts to go wrong. They see strange things happening and even find evidence that there may be life on the moon. The movie makes us feel scared and nervous because we don't know what's going to happen next.

So, in summary, Apollo 18 is a movie about astronauts who go to the moon and have a scary and strange adventure. It's not a real story, but it's based on real moon missions that happened a long time ago.