ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Applied philosophy

Applied philosophy means using philosophical ideas and theories to help solve real-life problems. You know how you ask questions like "why?" and "how?" Philosophy is all about asking those kinds of big, important questions and thinking really, really hard to try and answer them.

Now, let's say somebody has a problem they want to solve. They might ask a philosopher for help. The philosopher uses their knowledge and ideas to try and figure out the best way to solve the problem. For example, if somebody is trying to decide if they should tell a lie to protect their friend or be honest, a philosopher might say that it is always better to tell the truth, even if it is hard.

Applied philosophy is cool because it can help solve all kinds of problems. It can be used in business, government, healthcare, and lots of other places where important decisions need to be made. Philosophers are like problem solvers who use their brains and big ideas to help make the world a better place.