ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Apsaras are really cool mythical creatures from a religion called Hinduism. They're kind of like pretty fairies, but they're super important in Hindu stories, so people think they're really special.

Apsaras are magical women who can fly and dance really well. They usually have beautiful long hair and wear pretty clothes. They're known for being really graceful and talented at dancing. In fact, they're so good that they're sometimes called heavenly dancers!

People in Hinduism imagine that there are lots of different kinds of apsaras. Some of them live in heaven and help gods with their work, and others are found in gardens and forests, where they play and dance.

So, in summary: Apsaras are magical fairy-like creatures from Hinduism who are really good at dancing and help the gods. They're beautiful and special creatures, and people love to imagine them!