ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arab League and the Arab–Israeli conflict

Okay, so there are different countries in the world and some of these countries are in a group called the Arab League. This group is made up of countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Now, some of these countries in the Arab League have been in a conflict with another country called Israel for a really long time.

Basically, a long, long time ago, there were some disagreements between Jewish people who lived in that area and the other people who lived there. This led to fighting and wars over many years. Eventually, a new country called Israel was created and the Jewish people got to live there.

But, the people who lived in some of the Arab League countries didn't like this and wanted Israel to give back some of the land that they thought belonged to them. The two groups have been fighting and arguing over it ever since.

The Arab League has been involved in trying to make peace between the two sides and help figure out a solution that works for everyone. Sometimes they meet and talk about it, and sometimes they use their power to put pressure on Israel to try and make changes.

It's a complicated situation with a lot of history and emotions involved, but everyone is hoping for a peaceful solution that works for everyone.