ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arab Organization for Industrialization

The Arab Organization for Industrialization is a group of countries in the Middle East and North Africa that work together to make things like cars, planes, and weapons.

Imagine you and your friends want to build a treehouse. You each have your own tools and skills, but if you work together, you can make a bigger and better treehouse than if you built it alone. The Arab Organization for Industrialization is like a group of friends who work together to make big and important things for their countries.

They have factories where they make things like planes for their military, which they use to protect their countries. They also make cars, trains, and buses so people can get around and go to work or school. And they even make weapons to help keep their countries safe.

By working together, the members of the Arab Organization for Industrialization can save money and resources, and create stronger and better products than if they each tried to do it alone.