ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arabic letter frequency

Arabic letter frequency means how often each letter in the Arabic language is used in written text. Just like in English, some letters are used more often than others.

Let's say that we have a big book written in Arabic. Every time we see the letter "alif" (أ), we'll mark it down. Then we'll mark down every "baa" (ب), every "taa" (ت), and so on. When we've gone through the whole book and marked down all the letters, we count up how many times we marked each letter.

Some letters like "alif", "taa", and "tha" (ث) are used very often in Arabic. They appear a lot in written text. Other letters, like "qaf" (ق), "zay" (ز), and "ghayn" (غ) are used less often. They appear less frequently in written text.

Knowing which letters are used more often can help us learn to read and write in Arabic. We can focus on these letters so that we can read and write more quickly and easily. It's like knowing which building blocks are used more often when we build with Legos. If we have more of those building blocks, we can build bigger and more complex structures.