ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arch Wilkinson Shaw

Arch Wilkinson Shaw was a man who lived a long time ago, kind of like a grandpa from a storybook or a fairy tale. He did lots of things during his life, and some people think he was pretty important.

Arch was born in the year 1840, which is a really long time ago! He was born in Pennsylvania, which is a state in the United States of America. When Arch was a young boy, there were no cars or airplanes, so people had to travel by wagon or on horseback. That's how Arch and his family got around.

As Arch grew up, he became interested in something called the Civil War. This was a really big fight that took place in the United States between some of the states. Arch decided to join the army and help fight in this war when he was old enough.

After the Civil War, Arch became a doctor. He helped people when they were sick or hurt. He also became interested in something called politics. This means he was interested in how the government worked and how he could help make things better for people.

Arch was elected to something called the House of Representatives. This is a really important job where people make decisions about things like laws and money. Arch worked hard to help improve the lives of the people in his state and in the United States.

Arch also loved to help people who were less fortunate than him. He gave money to schools, hospitals, and churches. He also helped out with charities and was very generous with his time and money.

Even though Arch is no longer with us, many people remember him as a kind and helpful person who worked hard to make the world a better place.