ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Archaeology of Porac, Pampanga

Archaeology is a really cool job where people dig in the ground to find old things from a long time ago! Like when you dig out your old toys from your toy box, but instead of toys, they find really old stuff like pottery, bones, tools, and other things that people used a long, long time ago!

In Porac, Pampanga, archaeologists have been digging for old things that tell them about what life was like a really long time ago. They have found a lot of things like pottery, or big pots that people used to cook food in, and even tools that were used to farm or hunt for food.

They also found bones from animals like cows and pigs, which tells us that people used to raise animals for food. They even found some bones from big animals like elephants and rhinos, which were probably hunted a long, long time ago when these animals still lived in the Philippines!

The archaeologists are also studying how the people back then built their homes and how they lived their daily lives. With all of these yummy ancient leftovers and treasures, they have a better understanding of what people's lives were like thousands of years ago!

Just like how you might look at old pictures and toys from your parents or grandparents to learn about what they were like when they were your age, archaeologists look at old things from a really long time ago to learn about what life was like for people from a really long time ago in Porac, Pampanga!