ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Argus – Audit Record Generation and Utilization System

Argus is a system that helps people keep track of what happens on a computer. It's like having a grown-up watching over you and making notes about everything you do.

When you use a computer, Argus records information about things like what you click on, what websites you visit, and what files you open or save. Argus can also track things like when you log into your account or when you turn off the computer.

All of this information is really helpful for people who want to keep their computer safe and secure. Argus can help them identify any strange or suspicious activity that might indicate a problem, like a hacker trying to access the computer or someone trying to steal sensitive information.

But Argus isn't just for security. It can also help people keep track of what's going on in their computer systems for other reasons, like troubleshooting problems or figuring out how to make processes more efficient.

Overall, Argus is like a helpful assistant that keeps track of everything happening on your computer, so that you and other people can have a better idea of what's going on and how to make things run smoothly.